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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Senin, 31 Mei 2010


Nama saya adalah Suherman Hardianto. Saya anak pertama dari pasangan Sukardi dan Siti Aminah. Saya lahir di Gunung Sitoli pada tanggal 06 Juli 1992. Pada kesempatan ini saya akan menjelaskan silsilah keluarga saya.

          Kakek saya ( dari ayah ) bernama Alm. Jumat dan nenek saya bernama Kartini. Ayah saya adalah anak ke dua dari sembilan bersaudara. Ayah saya memiliki 1 saudara laki-laki dan 8 saudara perempuan.

Sedangkan kakek saya ( dari ibu ) bernama Alm. Salim dan nenek saya bernama Paenah.Yang sekarang bertempat tinggal di Kisaran. Ibu saya adalah anak ke pertama dari lima bersaudara. Ibu saya memiliki 3 saudara laki-laki bernama Suroto( anak ketiga ), Muliadi(anak keempat), Sahroji (anak kelima) dan 1 saudara perempuan bernama Ngatini ( kedua ).

          Ayah saya sendiri bernama Sukardi yang sekarang  berumur 43 tahun dan bekerja sebagai POLISI di POLSEK AIR JOMAN kecamatan Air Joman. Sedangkan ibu saya bernama Siti Aminah yang juga berumur 43 tahun dan bekerja sebagai Ibu Rumah Tangga.

Dari pernikahan ayah dan ibu saya lahirlah empat orang anak. Yang pertama adalah saya sendiri, Suherman Hardianto yang sudah berumur 18 tahun dan sekarang sudah duduk di bangku kuliah semester 2 di Universitas Negeri Medan jurusan Kimia.
Yang kedua adalah Siti Khairani yang berumur 16 tahun dan sudah duduk dibangku SMA kelas XI di SMA NEGERI 1 AIR JOMAN. Anak yang ke tiga adalah Andri Fadillah yang sekarang berumur 10 tahun dan sudah duduk di bangku Sekolah Dasar. Dan yang terakhir adalah Suci Anggraini yang sudah berumur 5 tahun dan sekolah di TK ABA Air Joman.
          Sekarang ini saya dan keluarga saya tinggal di Dusun III Desa Air Joman, Kec. Air Joman, Kab. Asahan, Sumatera Utara

          Demikianlah silsilah keluarga ini saya perbuat.

Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Tips to make your blog accessible to visitors

Tips to make your blog accessible to visitors
Who knows how many times this blog mutually template, each bored come or blog feel heavy if I am always accessible to quickly change the template of this blog, I do not know mutually This template will cause significant adverse effects of loading the blog in my opinion should be so benchmark for quality in addition to the existing content. I think pecuma also had good item-nice but not friendly to all browsers and level of visitor access speed, because we know that not all Internet users are there in our country have access to fast, not all users have a computer or laptop, and no all able to go kewarnet every day.

So as an admin-based blog or blogspot blogspot berdomain basis, not our fault other people trying to make it easier to access the blogs we like:

  1. Choosing a template that light when accessed, according to my experience before I choose a template that          I try first in my dummy blog, kept me access from this template hp, see loadingnya time, see also other pages, if indeed that template means friendly to the mob-friendly too on other browsers and internet users based yng gprs.
  2. Pay attention when designing a blog, keep the first item that kebuka when other people access your blog, keep the old widget-widget loadingnya of content such as animation, flash, and recent koment recent post that uses feeds, follwer, statistics and others. Also see our old widget-widget that error and immediately replace them with new ones.
  3. Reduce the resolution of the pictures that big, especially on the main page of the blog which is usually located on the code in the html template. Or use a picture that is too burdensome on the content loading.
  4. Select-select the ad we put on the blog, select a less aggravating our blog.
  5.  ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 

Tip The fifth and opinions please enter your friends are willing to donate bloggers to share their thoughts in the comment box below. Previously I would like to thank if anyone would complement my writing from a newbie like this

Toxic and Hazardous Waste Materials (THW)

Toxic and Hazardous Waste Materials (THW)

Sources of toxic substances and hazardous waste (THW) can be derived from industrial, mining, transportation, hospitals, chemical laboratories, households, and natural processes. Each source of THW waste does not always come from the process or its main activity, but may be from maintenance activities or laundering appliance, expired chemicals, spills THW, and waste products that do not meet the specification (off-spec).

In the view of Prof. Dr. Endang Tri Wahyuni, MS, THW wastes can be in three phases, namely gas, liquid, and solid. In accordance with its phase, THW waste may enter the human body through breathing because the exploited, the pores of the skin because it is absorbed, and mouth because it swallowed.

"Examples of THW waste from industry is widespread in the environment is harmful heavy metals such as Cd, Cr (VI), Cu, Hg and Pb that can come from paint and metal plating industries. In the waters, the metal-metal contaminants will accumulate in the body of fish and / or absorbed by plants, which in turn can be consumed by humans, "he said at the Senate Hall, Thursday (8 / 4), now confirmed as a Professor of Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty GMU.

In addition, according to Endang, made possible the accumulation of heavy metals in the human body caused by consuming food often been contaminated heavy metals even in low concentrations. For example, the entry of Cd in the human body can replace calcium in bone that can cause tremendous pain. "In the body, Cr (VI) causes liver damage and is carcinogenic, toxic mercury that can damage the nerves, and Pb which can cause kidney and brain damage," he added.

In line with industrial development and fulfillment of human needs increases, increases also the type and volume of waste is discarded into the environment THW. This is seen as a direct its information via the mass media.

According to women's birth Cimahi, February 10, 1962, the negative impact of THW waste pollution on human health and the environment more real. "Based on that fact, then it is clear that the management of B3 waste can not be postponed again," said the wife of Drs. Achmad Muchlis, M.M. this.

In the inaugural speech, entitled "Toxic and Hazardous Waste Materials (THW): Problems and Process Effort with Other Materials," said Endang Tri Wahyuni B3 waste management activities covering a variety of activities. Wastewater treatment is one area of interest to researched and developed. "Processing of these wastes into my field of research during this tekuni where the THW waste processing was introduced in the physico-chemical methods, among others, coagulation, adsorption, photocatalytic, solidification, and incineration," said Zafran and Fadhzil Mochammad mother Hanifa Rachma Atika this.

At the end of his speech, Endang rate of chemical laboratory waste even though the volume is still relatively small compared with industrial waste, but it contains a very varied type of THW with a relatively high concentration. Therefore, this waste must be managed correctly in order not to cause environmental pollution and public health.

"Related to this also, the chemical laboratory waste management initiatives have also shared some of my colleagues in the Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty of UGM, which begins with the collection of liquid waste separately according to their nature, namely acid-base, heavy metals, organic substances non-solvent, and solvent chlorinated organic. Waste acid-base with a neutral pH directly discharged into the sewer, "he concluded.

BY: Prof. Dr. Endang Tri Wahyuni, M.S

Application of Al Islami Kalam

Application of Al Islami Kalam
aplikasi islami dari Al Kalam
Islamic application of Al Kalam
Internet and mobile as already a part of life, so many applications that can help us in running the daily worship. As a reminder the application of Islamic prayer times, the search index on the site of Al Quran Online, a collection of prayers, which are packed ebook Tausyiah variety of topics, such as Tausyiah themed lessons, wedding, collection of daily prayer, pilgrimage guide, the pointer map back and forth while on the go or packaged in such a a way that can be read on mobile phones, and many more. Islamic Application Hopefully this can become a practical guide complete the religious activities of our daily lives.

We found a variety of mobile applications that can be utilized for various needs. The theme that we select and 'Fly' in this site for purposes of religion and education. In this site too, we deliberately wrote a string of stories as an introduction to application messages are discussed. And without realizing we were asked to listen and listen each week on various stories and events, what is already stored in the book of Allah's noblest. Prove all the acts and events are summarized in the word of scripture. For Muslims around the world, Allah has set a time, when the Friday sermon. Indeed, we are ready and always take the wisdom behind the existing historical journey, through the pen

Hopefully this Islamic application that contains the Practical Guide Using the phone as a Religion and Education Media beneficial to us all.

Altitude Relationship Analysis Of Ozone Concentration Value in the Equator in the Vertical Ozone Observations from the SPD LAPAN Kototabang West Sumatra

          Since the beginning of industrialization, the demand for energy increasing. At the same time the energy used to change from wood and coal turned to oil and gas alam.Minyak earth is the belle of energy, its use increased because of growing population and growing economy. The result of burning fossil fuels (petroleum, coal) which is comprised of aerosols, CO2, NO, CH4, SO, surface O3, hydrocarbons are emitted into atmosfer.Hal nonmetan this will affect the environment so that it can cause global climate change, changes in atmospheric composition , the existence of acid rain. 
          To measure the concentration of ozone, ozone-containing air in the pump to the cathode tube will cause a chemical reaction in the tube electrodes, namely Iodine-iodide reaction, between two tube electrodes that create differences in the occurrence of the load electric current. An electric current is flowing and then measured. The amount of electric current equal to the amount of measured ozone concentrations. 
      Kototabang is one area that is at the equator. Potentially occur in the equatorial phenomenon climatological parameters. Vertical ozone observations at the equator is useful for the investigation of where the process occurring in the ozone absorption of UV light. With the existence of ozone layer, UV rays coming into the earth to be reduced the number and intensity, because the UV light in large numbers would endanger the lives of living creatures on earth. 
      Based on the data and results of data analysis it can be known to the average ozone concentration for each parameter altitude. The average ozone concentration at a height of 0.8 to 5 km is 1427 MPa. The average ozone concentration at 5.1 to 10 km altitude is 1313 MPa. The average ozone concentration at 10.1 to 15 km altitude is 0659 MPa. The average ozone concentration at 15.1 to 20 km altitude is 1718 MPa. The average ozone concentration at 20.1 to 25 km altitude is 8780 MPa. The average ozone concentration at a height of 25.1 to 31.1 km is 12 224 MPa


So far, not yet known with certainty the cause of autism. One said that the concept of autism symptoms arising from environmental toxins or heavy metals that can not be cleaned because the child has a genetic weakness.

To detect levels of heavy metals in the body of the child, available hair test analysis to calculate the nutritional and toxic minerals. "The level of toxins and mineral nutrients can be used to diagnose behavioral disorders in children with autism," said Dr.Igor Tabrizian, hair analysis expert from Australia in a seminar on autism some time ago in Jakarta.

Inside the hair, nails and teeth, the minerals in the small form is stored. This is because hair does not change the structure so that the mineral that is embedded in the hair and hair levels unchanged despite lengthening. "Human hair is a historical record that could reflect changes in metabolism," added Igor.

Examination through blood tests considered less accurate because of the heavy metal will disappear in a few hours and removed the body. Similarly, because it only reflects the tse urine levels of heavy metals released by the blood by the kidneys in the short term.

Hair analysis by collecting hair samples of the child. It takes approximately 600 milligrams of hair to find out 17 toxic heavy metals and 23 essential elements.

According to Igor, the key lies in the accuracy of hair analysis laboratory credibility and expertise of medical experts in interpreting the results of the analysis.

To date, analysis of hair tests can not be done in Indonesia. Parents who want to do hair analysis necessary to send hair samples to the United States or Australia with a relatively expensive cost, reached 125 U.S. dollars, not including shipping.

Scrub Soap Making Tips

Materials needed:

- Solution of caustic soda 100 cc (38 grades natronloog Be)
- Coconut 300 cc
- Citronella oil 25 cc
- Material color to taste

Scrub Soap Making Process

  1. Dyes are mixed natronloog until blended.
  2. Pour a little coconut oil into the mixture while stirring continually. Do not stop stirring until the mixture becomes thick before.
  3. Mixed with lemon grass oil, stirring, stirring..
  4. In keaadan viscous mixture was poured into cetakkan as desired.
  5. After printing for 12 hours, the soap becomes frozen, open cetakkan, and remove the soap from the mold. Soap ready to be packaged and marketed.

Make a WordPress Blog

How to Make a WordPress Blog

  1. Click / open (Blog Indonesian) or 
  2. (Blog in Bahasa Indonesia) Fill out  the Free Registration Form (Blog Indonesian)

  • User Name: fill in the name of the blog you want (at least four letters / numbers). Example: nusantaranews or pemuda1989 [note: no spaces allowed, must only letters and numbers]
  • Password: choose a password / pin / password (at least 6 letters / numbers)
  • Confirmation: retype the password / pin / password above
  • Email Address: fill in your email address (make sure you have a valid email)
  • Legal flotsam: padakotak check which is available as a sign to agree to the terms and provisions of WordPress.
  • Tick the box available at the point of "Give me a blog! (Like "

     3.   At the bottom left, click Next
     4.   On the next page will display showing

  • Domain Name:
If a user should correct, then the domain name to your blog.

For example chosen is pemuda1989, then its domain is
If a user should have been used by others, will display a warning "Sorry, the blog is already there!".
Then type the name of another blog, and click signup. For example nusantaranews already in use, then replace / add the phrase into my eg nusantara1989
Blog Title: You can replace the blog title like Nusantaranews - Information, Facts and Opinion
Language: Choose the Indonesian as a language that you will use in writing
Privacy: Make sure there is a dot on the box (usually already there automatically).
         5.   Click Sign Up
         6.   And on the next page, the display will be checking email asking you to complete the registration    process (Check Your Email to Complete Registration)

        7.   Next, open your email, and there are incoming messages (usually cuman few seconds) of WordPress. In the message,click the blue link link

        8.  By clicking on the blue link, you already have a personal blog.


"> For those who are already accustomed to browsing, chat, e-mail and blogging, the internet is nothing new for them. For those who like to explore the virtual world then we will obtain various kinds of information originating from various countries around the world. From the information news, articles, advertising, sales, scientific journals, science and technology, and others. On the internet at the same time we also can hunt for free software download. The following are chemical free software authors who have downloaded or download on the internet. If There are free, why use tools that ngebajak ???!! Ngga He yauuuuuww ... ... ... ..!!!


A software that can be used to simulate NMR.
Downloaded from: click here

2. Mass Spec Calculator ChemSW Professional

Mass Spec Calculator ChemSW Professional is a software that can be used in the Mass Spectroscopy (Mass Spectroscopy).
Downloaded from: suherman

3. ChemSW ChemSite Standart Demo
ChemSW ChemSite Standart Demo software is used to portray 3D molecular structure of carbon compounds, Sugars, Amino Acids, and Nucleic Acids.
Downloaded from: suherman

4. ChemSW Molecular Modeling Demo

Downloaded from: suherman

5. Mix Finder
A software to calculate quantitatively magnitudes in the solution or mixture.
Downloaded from: here

6. Vibro ALP (Molecular Vibrator)

Vibro ALP (Molecular Vibrator) is a program in 3D animation to describe the vibrational motion of a molecule.
Downloaded from: here

7. Tmol (Molecul Weight Calculator)
Tmol (Molecul Weight Calculator) is a software that can be used to calculate the molecular mass (Mr) and moles of a molecule.
Downloaded from: click here

8. APT (Attached Proton Test)

APT (Attached Proton Test) is a software to portray an animated 3 D motion of the spin of atoms and the constituent particles.
Downloaded from: click here

9. Chem Calculator

Chem Calculator is a software to calculate Mr., moles and Molar concentration of a compound or mixture.
Downloaded from: click here

10. iUnit (Conversion)

iUnit (Conversion) is a data base conversion scale commonly used in chemistry / physics.
Downloaded from: click here


Chemix a general chemistry software for high school and a complete laboratory.
Downloaded from: ~ tkuppens / chem.shtml

12. ChemLab (Program Model Laboratory Practice)
ChemLab is a software program fisual laboratory tools and simulation experiments in the laboratory.
Downloaded from: ~ tkuppens / chem.shtml

13. Argus Lab (3D Molecular Models)
A 3D software for drawing and create and display the 3D structure of an organic compound
Downloaded from: ~ tkuppens / chem.shtml

14. Cemical Predictor 3.1 (Prediction of Redox Reactions)

A software to predict the redox reactions as well as calculating the cell potential.
Downloaded from: ~ tkuppens / chem.shtml

15. Atomic PC (Periodic Table)
Downloaded from: ~ tkuppens / chem.shtml

16. ChemLab Periodic Table

17. PerLib 1.8a (Periodic Library)
Downloaded from: ~ tkuppens / chem.shtml

18. Chemical Equation Expert 2:11 v (equation equalizes)
Software to equalize the equation.
Downloaded from: ~ tkuppens / chem.shtml

19. CHeAQS Pro (CHmical Equabliria Aquatic System)
Software to calculate quantitative data in solution.
Downloaded from: ~ tkuppens / chem.shtml

20. Chemistry Interactive Learning Program

Downloaded from: http://www/

21. Interactive Learning Software Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics

Downloaded from:


Downloaded from:

23. MC DALTON - DALTON Mass Calculator
Calculating The relative molecular mass and Molar concentration.
Downloaded from:

24. RASMOL Viewer
Software to view 3D molecular structures with the Brookhaven Data Bank file format together with the ChemLab software.
Downloaded from:

Program for designing electrochemical ssel.
Downloaded from:

26. AIM 2000
Program for 3D Structure View, calculate the density, molecular graphics, etc..

Acid Base Titration Program.
Downloaded from:

28. ENIG periodic TABLE

Periodic Table of Elements.
Downloaded from:

29. Orbital Viewer

Program to see Orbital in 3D.
Downloaded from:

Program for Molecular Modeling and Molecular Graphics.


Chemical Drawing and Graphics Program.
Downloaded from:

32. ISI MDL Draw 5.2
Chemical Drawing Software and Graphics Program.
Downloaded from:


Programs to equalize the equation and calculate the reaction of each of Mr. reaction components.

Downloaded from:

Molecular program 3D Molecule Viewer and Animation.
Downloaded from:

Solution stoichiometry Program.
Downloaded from:

36. UK3AD

Table SPU.
Downloaded from:

Analysis Simulation Program Hetero Nuclear spectroscopy.
Downloaded from:

Downloaded from:


Example: Simulation of gas molecules

Molecular Simulation Program in the form of animations.
Downloaded from:

40. VMD 's

3D Molecular Viewer program.
Downloaded from:

41. BALL Sticks

A Program Which Can display a chemical structure in 3D and generate a bitmap picture of the chemical structure.
Downloaded from:


Bohr Atomic Model Animation program.
Downloaded from: ~ og / downloads.html

43. Rutherford

Experimental Animation Program Rutherford.
Downloaded from: ~ og / downloads.html

44. Schroedinger

Experimental Animation Program Schroedinger (Atom Model of Wave Mechanics / Quantum).
Downloaded from: ~ og / downloads.html

45. 2:50 WINMAXC32

Programs for Calculating Solution stoichiometry.
Downloaded from: ~ cpatton /

Senin, 03 Mei 2010


SmadAV has new improvements.
Here is the complete list of enhancements in 2010 Rev. SmadAV. 8.1:

- Engine has a new scanner (SmadEngine.dll) to detect the virus more quickly and accurately.

- External Database (Smadav.loov) to facilitate database update for the next revision.

- The plug-ins right-clicking on the latest explorer (SmadExtc.dll) better.

- Compatible with Windows Vista & 7.

- Detection of some of the many International Virus spreads in Indonesia (Sality & Alman) is faster and more accurate.

- Addition of a database of more than 100 new viruses and their variants-the variants

- Improvement of false alarms on some files.

- Completion of key blacklist illegal methods SmadAV Pro

- Changes in the structure of teams for 2010 SmadAV

- Adding the uninstall menu in the Tray Icon for easy uninstall process

- And many other improvements ...

Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

al-quran in word

Many of us know bahwasannya arabic typing in Microsoft word so hard. especially for typing verses of the Koran into it ..
waaah .. difficult would not it?

I have the software to solve your problem on this one ..
you can download onlySuherman
Raw materials needed enough juice cup's all ^ _ ^


1. Download setupnya click here
trus Install
2. now installed, open the program you Ms.Word
3. dech ... so now, look at your Ms.Word, on his part menubar, there already exist a new menu, namely Al-Quran
4. working safely... ^_^


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