Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Toxic and Hazardous Waste Materials (THW)

Toxic and Hazardous Waste Materials (THW)

Sources of toxic substances and hazardous waste (THW) can be derived from industrial, mining, transportation, hospitals, chemical laboratories, households, and natural processes. Each source of THW waste does not always come from the process or its main activity, but may be from maintenance activities or laundering appliance, expired chemicals, spills THW, and waste products that do not meet the specification (off-spec).

In the view of Prof. Dr. Endang Tri Wahyuni, MS, THW wastes can be in three phases, namely gas, liquid, and solid. In accordance with its phase, THW waste may enter the human body through breathing because the exploited, the pores of the skin because it is absorbed, and mouth because it swallowed.

"Examples of THW waste from industry is widespread in the environment is harmful heavy metals such as Cd, Cr (VI), Cu, Hg and Pb that can come from paint and metal plating industries. In the waters, the metal-metal contaminants will accumulate in the body of fish and / or absorbed by plants, which in turn can be consumed by humans, "he said at the Senate Hall, Thursday (8 / 4), now confirmed as a Professor of Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty GMU.

In addition, according to Endang, made possible the accumulation of heavy metals in the human body caused by consuming food often been contaminated heavy metals even in low concentrations. For example, the entry of Cd in the human body can replace calcium in bone that can cause tremendous pain. "In the body, Cr (VI) causes liver damage and is carcinogenic, toxic mercury that can damage the nerves, and Pb which can cause kidney and brain damage," he added.

In line with industrial development and fulfillment of human needs increases, increases also the type and volume of waste is discarded into the environment THW. This is seen as a direct its information via the mass media.

According to women's birth Cimahi, February 10, 1962, the negative impact of THW waste pollution on human health and the environment more real. "Based on that fact, then it is clear that the management of B3 waste can not be postponed again," said the wife of Drs. Achmad Muchlis, M.M. this.

In the inaugural speech, entitled "Toxic and Hazardous Waste Materials (THW): Problems and Process Effort with Other Materials," said Endang Tri Wahyuni B3 waste management activities covering a variety of activities. Wastewater treatment is one area of interest to researched and developed. "Processing of these wastes into my field of research during this tekuni where the THW waste processing was introduced in the physico-chemical methods, among others, coagulation, adsorption, photocatalytic, solidification, and incineration," said Zafran and Fadhzil Mochammad mother Hanifa Rachma Atika this.

At the end of his speech, Endang rate of chemical laboratory waste even though the volume is still relatively small compared with industrial waste, but it contains a very varied type of THW with a relatively high concentration. Therefore, this waste must be managed correctly in order not to cause environmental pollution and public health.

"Related to this also, the chemical laboratory waste management initiatives have also shared some of my colleagues in the Department of Chemistry, Science Faculty of UGM, which begins with the collection of liquid waste separately according to their nature, namely acid-base, heavy metals, organic substances non-solvent, and solvent chlorinated organic. Waste acid-base with a neutral pH directly discharged into the sewer, "he concluded.

BY: Prof. Dr. Endang Tri Wahyuni, M.S

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